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In 1947, the United States Army Air Force issued a press release to the Roswell Daily Record claiming that they had recovered a ‘flying saucer’ near Roswell, New Mexico. The following day, before the world could react to the astonishing news, the Army issued a retraction stating that the ‘flying saucer’ was nothing more than a weather balloon. But rather than end the story, the retraction sparked an on-going belief by many that the government may be covering up the discovery of a UFO from another world.
Armed with what may be the first new evidence in the case in 70 years, Investigator Jennifer Marshall and Ufologist Ryan Sprague have launched an inquiry to uncover the truth. Marshall and Sprague visit the secretive Roswell crash site where mysterious metal debris was recently discovered. They initiate tests to see if these metal pieces may in fact be “other worldly.” In addition, Marshall and Sprague use modern photo analysis techniques to decipher an old, obscure memo held by a powerful General during a staged photo shoot. Could the answers to the Roswell mystery be held in plain sight in his hands? Something happened in Roswell in 1947, and now Marshall and Sprague are trying to figure out what, exactly, that was.
ROSWELL: MYSTERIES DECODED is from Morningstar Entertainment and Executive Producers Gary Tarpinian and Paninee Theeranuntawat (“Monster in My Family,” “Deadliest Warrior”, “Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence”, “Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force,” and “Billy the Kid”) .
January 2019